This article will show you easy ways to confirm you have correctly connected your Veo Cam 2 to the SIM card with a data plan.
Let’s start by checking the following articles to learn more about data providers and how to insert the nano SIM card in your Veo Cam 2.
Data providers and SIM cards for Veo Cam 2
How to insert and use a nano SIM card with your Veo Cam 2
Now that you have learned the proper way to insert the card, check these three ways to confirm you are connected and ready to Live stream with the data plan:
1. Look for the 4G Camera Connection:
The first way to confirm is the easiest one.
Once connected to your Veo Cam 2 with the Veo Camera app, tap on the dropdown arrow at the top of the screen. Here you will find some camera details, including the camera connection; you should see 4G.
2. Look for the name of your data provider on the app:
The second way to confirm requires just a couple more steps, but it’s just as easy.
- Once connected to your Veo Cam 2 with the Veo Camera app, tap on settings in the top right corner.
- Under Camera Network, select wifi Connection.
- Now, you will see the SIM connection and the name of your data provider.
3. Run an in-app speed test:
Run a speed test.
On the same page, you will see the option Speed test, click on it and allow a moment to complete.
This will let you know if everything is well with your nano SIM card/data plan.
Note that the speed test can also be done to measure your Wi-Fi connection speed.