Troubleshoot: Connecting to a Veo Cam 1 via iOS Veo Camera app



Are you experiencing issues trying to connect the iOS Veo Camera app to your Veo Cam 1?

This article shows you some actions you can take to troubleshoot the app if you are having a hard time connecting to your Veo Cam 1.



Option 1:

  1. Exit the iOS Veo Camera app.
  2. Put your phone on Airplane mode.

  3. Go to your phone’s wifi settings page. Select the WiFi for the Veo Cam (called VEOCAM-XXXX) and connect to it using the password kickoff! also printed on the backside of the camera.

    While connected to the camera's WiFi, open the blue information icon next to it and make sure that the option "Limit IP Address Tracking" is disabled 


4. Open the iOS Veo Camera app again and try to connect.


5. If this doesn’t work, try forgetting the Veo Cam’s wifi, reconnect to it and try again with the app.



Option 2:

  1. Exit the iOS Veo Camera app.
  2. Go to your phone’s wifi page. Choose the WiFi for the Veo Cam (called VEOCAM-XXXX) and connect to it using the password kickoff! also printed on the backside of the camera.
  3. On your browser go to, alternatively, use the Web App to connect to your camera instead.


Option 3:

This should be used as a last resort as it will delete all stored WiFis on your iPhone, which means you will need to manually reconnect your phone to all your saved WiFis.

  1. Go to “iPhone Settings”
  2. General
  3. Transfer or reset iPhone
  4. Reset → Reset network settings
  5. Open the iOS app and try to connect

You should be able to connect now to your iOS Veo Camera app now.


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