Uploads stuck in your Veo Cam 1




Are you having issues with games that are stuck when trying to upload them with the ethernet cable?

In this article, you can learn some helpful tips in the unfortunate case you are experiencing stuck uploads.


If you can see the recording on the recordings list (cam.veo.co), but the upload won’t start, or if it is stuck, follow the steps below:


1. Ensure the internet connection is active and stable, as interruptions on the connection may cause the recording to be stuck.


2. Check the recordings list on cam.veo.co If the connection was lost while saving, the recording would appear as a timestamp, and it won’t upload automatically. Press Upload manually to trigger the upload. Please note this can't be done on the Veo apps (iOS or Android)




3. Still no luck? Restart your camera while it’s connected to the internet via the ethernet cable.👉 How? Press and hold the power button for 20 seconds. Then wait 1 minute and turn it on again. The upload should now start.

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