How to upload recordings from your Veo Cam 1 to the Veo platform



This article will show you everything you need to know about uploading recordings, starting the upload, monitoring the status of uploads, and more.


Upload recordings

Recordings stored on the camera will automatically upload when the camera is turned on and connected to the internet through the provided Ethernet cable (the white cable). Simply connect your camera with the Ethernet cable to a wall or to a router where you are sure there is an internet connection.


Once the recording has been successfully uploaded to our servers, it will automatically be removed from the camera to free up storage space for future recordings.

👉🏻 Please note that there is room for a bit over 4 / 90-minute games stored on the camera.


Something went wrong when saving the recording

If the connection was lost while you were saving the recording on the Veo Cam, or if you have shut down the camera without saving the game, don't worry: the recording will be saved as a time stamp. You will need to manually press Upload on the recording in the Recordings list to start the upload


Please note, you can't take this action on any of the Veo Camera apps (iOS or Android), to manually trigger an upload, you need to connect to the Veo Web app at 


Upload Status

In order to monitor the status of your recordings, connect to your Veo Cam and go to your Recordings list. You can access it by clicking on the bottom left icon of your home page.


There are three status types:

1️⃣ Ready for upload: The recording will begin uploading automatically, as soon as the camera is connected to the internet via the white Ethernet cable.

2️⃣ Buffering: The recording will begin uploading momentarily.

3️⃣ Upload: The connection was lost when saving, please press upload manually and the recording will begin to upload. You can rename the recording once it has been posted to your page at

Once the recording has started uploading, you can see the progress as a percentage and a green line across the left square.

📧   You will receive an e-mail notification when:

  • Your recording has been uploaded and is being put through our robots.
  • Your recording has been rendered and you are able to watch the interactive view while the game is being processed through our detector.
  • Your recording with player and ball detection is available for editing and download.

Upload Duration

Since the upload of the recording happens via an internet connection with the Ethernet cable, the speed and duration of the upload depend heavily on the internet connection you are using. Please note that internet speed can vary – due to a variety of reasons – so the connection might not be stable all the time.


A 90 min match with an upload speed of 20 Mbps will take approximately 1,5 - 2 hours to upload completely. Make sure that you have a good and stable internet connection from the primary source.


Feel free to check your upload speed here.

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