Activate your Veo account

We get it; you just purchased your first Veo cam and can’t wait to get started!

In this article, we show you how to activate your Veo account so you can set up your Clubhouse and be ready to record when the camera arrives.


This article is for you if you just purchased your first Veo Cam and want to activate your Veo account for the first time. If you already have an activated Veo account when you purchase your Veo Camera, simply login to your account at


To activate your Veo account, follow these steps:

  1. Right after your order has been placed, you will receive a welcome email. Open the email and click on Create password. If you can't find the email, make sure to check your spam folder.
    create your password.png
  2. Add your email and password, agree to the terms and conditions, and click on Create Account.
    create account.png
  3. Now, set up your account by adding your first name, last name, country, and phone number. Click next.
    Add information to account.png
  4. Proceed to create your Clubhouse. Add your Clubhouse name, three-letter abbreviation, what is the Clubhouse’s sport and what role you play in the Clubhouse. Here, you can also add your Club’s crest. Finish by clicking Create account.
    Create clubhouse.png

Your Veo account is now active, and you can start adding teams and team members.


If you don't receive or can't find the activation email:

  • Check your spam folder; it may land there.
  • Make sure that you are using the same email address you used for purchase.
  • Go to and try logging in. You can hit forgot password, and use the email you used when making the purchase.


Keep in mind that account activation and subscription activation are different. Once you register your camera, your subscription will be activated, and your billing period will start.

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