This guide shows you how to remove the audio from a Veo recording.
Have you ever been in a situation where you decided not to share a Veo recording because there was some audio you wished you could remove? Well, good news! It is now possible to remove the audio from your Veo recordings.
Here's how to do it:
- First, open the recording you will remove the audio from.
- Go to the Edit match option to open the match setup page.
- Open the settings tab.
- Under Audio, click on Remove Audio.
- Click on Remove audio to confirm the action.
No, when you remove the audio from a recording, it is removed completely, including the follow cam mode, interactive mode, and shared with an opponent, all highlights in the recording and the audio toggle in the video will be locked in the mute position.
Users with access to the ‘Edit details’ page for a recording can select ‘Remove audio’.
It can take a while for audio to be removed from a recording. This is partly because your recording is not just one file. There is a follow cam file, an interactive mode file, and there are sometimes hundreds of highlight files, each with their own audio. We need to find each one, remove the audio, and then save it again so you can access it.