About the Producer Panel on Veo Live

Read this article to learn about the Producer Panel for Veo Live and how it can help you to add scores, the clock, and Moments to your live games.



The Producer Panel is used to update the scoreboard and the clock overlays and to add other moments you think deserve to be highlighted in live games.


The panel consists of 4 different options:


 Clock: use it to mark the beginning and end of each match period.

 Score: use it every time a team scores a goal.

 Moment: use it to showcase any other moment you think deserves some attention.

 Events: here, you can see all the marked events, clock, goals, and Moments.


Who can control the Producer Panel?

Any team member with Admin or Editor permissions can log into Veo Live, find the match, and control the Producer Panel from there.

We recommend choosing someone to take charge of the Producer Panel and manage the live match updates. This will prevent multiple people from working on it at the same time and cause unnecessary confusion.

The cool thing is that you don’t need to be at the field to update the scoreboard and clock or add Moments; you could do it from home, as long as you have Admin or Editor permissions within the team.


Can I add the clock, scores, and Moments on previously Live matches?

Yes, the Producer Panel can be used in previously live matches, but there might be some limitations depending on the date when the match was live-streamed. Matches in the last 30 days will have the best experience.


To learn more about how to use the Producer Panel and add the clock, scores and Moments, follow this article: How to use the Producer Panel on Veo Live

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