How to add and manage clips in your Player Profile.

In this article, you will learn how to add clips and manage them in your Player Profile.


Requirements: Player Profile is available for users with a player role only.


You can add clips from matches assigned to your team right to your Player Profile to showcase your best moments. To add clips, follow these steps:


  1. Tap Choose your clips now or press the + button.


    Choose clips - Player Profile.png


  2. Choose which match you would like to grab a clip from. You can use some quick filter to easily find your clips, you can find clips you saved for later, clips that you're mentioned in and clips created by you.


    Choose from match - Player Profile.png


  3. Choose your clip! Remember: you must first make the clip in the Veo Editor so it available as an option in your Player Profile. You also get to see a preview of the clip you want to add.


    Select clip - Player Profile.png


  4. Enhance your clip by tagging yourself in it, and add an Ability label to help viewers find it faster. Once you’re happy, press Publish clip.


    Enhance clip.png


  5. Your clip will now be on your Profile.


    Clip added to Profile.png


If you would like to re-order or edit the clips on your Player Profile, use the expanded list view:


expand to manage.png


And that’s it… It’s your moment to shine!


Completed Profile.png

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