About Player Profile

This article will introduce you to Player Profile, the platform where you can showcase your best moments to share with recruiters and the world!


As a football player, your Player Profile is a digital representation of yourself.


Your Player Profile on Veo consists of your best highlights, the abilities that define you as a player, and your key information.


By adding all your information to your Player Profile, recruiters can determine if they want to follow you further.


Here's how to access your Player Profile:

  1. Go to your Veo account at app.veo.co.


  2. Click on Player Profile in the left-sided menu.

    Player Profile access.png


  3. You will be asked to log in with your Veo credentials (email and password)



  4. On the landing page, you can check your fellow players' Profiles or go directly to your Player Profile.

PP landing page.png

Player Profile makes it easy to showcase and share your talent with a single link and stand out from other players.

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